I got the job in my home town that I was stressed about. Turned out not to be a good fit, so I left.
I was lucky in that the other opportunity was still on the table that I wanted. I started there today, and if anything, the opportunity has increased. Nothing has been promised that I would call set in stone, but the language tells me it won't be long for a major promotion. Good things really do come to those who wait, I guess.
So I am back working in San Francisco, a city I love and find endlessly entertaining. I mean, where else in the world would you see three people walking down the street smoking joints and just have the police wave at them?
The job is going to be great. I really enjoy the new crew, and the opportunity to grow is beyond belief. I don't want to go into too much detail because of all the proprietary information, and I certainly do not want to offend my new crew, but I will post stories as they happen. Working in San Francisco, you can count on several in the not so distant future.
This will be a bit of a busy time for BossLady and me, as we are moving to our own place after staying with family for the last 4 months. I probably won't post again until mid to late December. But I WILL be back.
Of course, this year I am having to do something I never do. Shop for Xmas. It's big in her family. I never did much beyond getting Mom a card and maybe something for BossLady. Otherwise, to me, it was just a forced day off. Blech. Now it's shop for her, her parents, her grandmother, and sixteen dozen other people I've never met.
Fun and games.
Thanksgiving was interesting, spending it with several people I have never met, but am apparently related to now. And even more fun, some of them work retail as well, and know the store I am going to.
This is going to be interesting to say the least.
Anyhow, I will be back.